This weekend was great for harvesting Wineberries near me. Wineberries got their name because they have a high sugar content, making them great for making wine. They are an asian cousin of the rasberry. I harvested a bunch down in Rancocas Creek Park in NJ. I made some jam, and maybe next time Ill make some wine! By the time I got around to making jam, I had already eaten about half the berries. I had about 2.5 cups of berries left, so I used this recipe, but I cut all the ingredients in half. It seemed to be a bit liquidy after cannning, but well see how it looks when its cooled.
A huge patch of Wineberries
This beautiful berry was everywhere
I harvested about 5 cups
I can honestly say this was the best PB&J Ive ever had. 12-Grain bread, Organic Almond Butter, and Homemade Wineberry Jam. :D
I also filmed a video tour at my buddy Joes house, where hes got a beautiful permaculture garden in his suburban backyard. Ill be posting that video as soon as its edited.

Coming soon, a tour of a suburban permaculture backyard
I also made some Jewelweed salve from Jewelweeed harvest on my lunch break from work. I used organic coconut oil, beeswax, jewelweed, plantain, violet, sage, essential oils (lavendar, tea tree, and sweet orange), and vitamin E oil to help with preservation of the salve. I have some available for sale or trade if anyones interested. It helps soothe skin irritations like poison ivy, bug bites or stings, scrapes, or burns.

Its a gloomy day, but these green onions on the windowsil are happy!