An Herb Spiral in Germany
This weekend was beautiful here in New Jersey and Delaware. I finally had the opportunity to start work on my garden projects. I recently bought a Big Bag Bed raised bed, inspired by this youtube video from John from GrowingYourGreens.com. Its a pre-made raised bed made from durable cloth, which allows greater drainage than a normal raised bed, and induces air pruning of the roots, which should help growth. I also convinced my landlord, who lives on the first floor, to buy 2 of these Big Bag Beds and let me help him with his own garden. I was hoping to fill the beds on Saturday, but I couldnt find coco coir anywhere around me. I tried Home Depot, Lowes, and two local garden centers, and called a bunch more. Everyone had peat moss, but no one had coco coir. Peat moss is extremely harmful to the environment to harvest and is very unsustainable. I refuse to use it if at all possible.
So, I ordered some coco coir and Azomite Rock Dust on Amazon, which should arrive tomorrow, and then Ill fill the beds. I also need to get either seeds or plants to put in the bed.
My Plan is to loosely follow this design.
On Sunday, I went to Delaware to work on some projects at my parents house. Im building an herb spiral with a small pond, according to the plans here:

Herb spiral in progress. Itll have a sprinkler system to water the garden from the water in the little pond.
My dad and girlfriend helped out, and we got the pond hole dug, and some decorative bricks laid down to mark out the garden. We also started filling it in, but well need more stones to complete the garden on a future weekend.

The coldframe
My dad had saved an old window that he got through his work, and build a cold frame. Since its not that cold out now, I was planning to use this to start some seeds, for now.

Starting some seeds
I asked my girlfriend to start some seeds that I had with some of our kitchen compost and garden soil mix, and we seeded some tomatoes, lettuce, kale, spinach, strawberries, basil, and arugula. Im not sure if its too early or late to start seeds, or if Im doing it right, but Im just going to go for it.

Im starting with just the IBC tote, and once its running well Ill add the 50 gallon stock tank as an additional grow bed.

IBC Tote aquaponic garden
The last thing that we worked on was the IBC tote aquaponic setup that I obtained last Fall. Itll sit in a small dirt patch and in the winter well build a thin but tall greenhouse frame from PVC to shelter the setup. I still need a threaded PVC connector and to set up the bell siphon before its ready, but most of the plumbing and the pump are ready. Im also getting an inline hose water filter tomorrow so that I can filter the water that I fill it with. Hopefully within the next month this will be pumping water and holding fish!
It was a busy day, but the beautiful weather kept everyones spirits high. Happy Easter!