photo by CCRES
Flasks of Algae at the CCRES Lab in Zagreb,Croatia
Biofuels are key to industrys future
In a bid to reduce its dependency on imported oil and tackle global warming, the EU has committed to raising the share of fuels from renewable sources in transport to 10% by 2020 including biofuels, hydrogen and green electricity.
For the growing aviation industry, the switch to plant-based fuel is seen as not only environmentally smart, but a sensible financial move in an era or rising conventional fuel prices and worries about supply security.
Biofuel use in passenger aircraft is still a novelty, and industry officials are urging governments to help lift supplies, much as policies in the EU and United States have created a flourishing market in plant-based oils for motor vehicles.
The industry contends that sustainable fuels will reduce emissions even as passenger traffic grows. The airline sector has committed to meet 10% of its overall fuel consumption with biofuels by 2017 though the goal is ambitious given that it is to account for just 1% by 2015...
Meanwhile, more doubts are being raised about the environmental benefits of biofuels.
The United Nations Environment Programme has warned that even though burning plant-based fuels can produce significantly lower levels of carbon emissions, production and land clearing to make way for new crops may reduce carbon-savings or even lead to an increase.
European conservation groups say the EU and European governments should wait to embrace aviation biofuels until there is proof of their environmental benefits.
Given the right conditions, algae can double its volume overnight. Microalgae are the earths most productive plants 10 to 15 times more prolific in biomass than the fastest growing land plant exploited for biofuel production. While soy produces some 50 gallons of oil per acre per year; canola, 150 gallons; and palm, 650 gallons, algae can produce up to 15,000 gallons per acre per year. In addition, up to 50 percent (or more) of algae biomass (dry weight) is comprised of oil, whereas oil-palm treescurrently the most efficient large-scale source of feedstock oil to make biofuelsyield approximately 20 percent of their weight in oil, says Zeljko Serdar, President of CCRES
Airlines have committed to ramping up their use of biofuels in the belief that they can contribute to achieving the sectors pledges on carbon-neutral growth. For 2050, the EU foresees 40% use of "sustainable low carbon fuels" in aviation.
Croatian Center of Renewable Energy Sources (CCRES)