As a beginner, most of us are worried about the success of our gardening endeavor. Will we get our desired results? Or will our effort will turn out to be a fruitless labor? As I always emphasis on the point to start small and gradually increase the level of difficulty as you gain experience with gardening. In this article I have mentioned few of the plants which are easy to start. Though these are not totally full-proof, you can definitely try your luck with these plants than to attempt the plants which need much more sophisticated approach, particularly at the beginning.

When we talk about starting your own kitchen garden, may be 80% of us first think about fresh, homegrown tomatoes into our garden. Growing tomatoes are not difficult either. With fertile soil, Little bit of watering from time to time(see watering guide) and lot of sun light, your tomato plant will grow and give you fruits all year long(depending on the variety). Just look out for blight signs and little caterpillars which can hamper the growth of your tomato plant.
Tomatoes are packed with plenty of iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, B6, and C and last but not the least Lycopene(antioxidant) which prevents cancer. you can check tomato growing tips for more in detail.
The tender sweetness of pea just plucked from you kitchen garden, is so much better when you compare it with the pea from the store. Most of the varieties can be grown very easily from the seeds. You can grow peas in the containers that is at about 10 deep. Peas are easy to care and much fun for kids to harvest them. Just try not to harvest peas in the hot environment(ideal range 40-85 degrees Fahrenheit).
Peas are high in fiber, iron and various vitamins.
Radish is another vegetable which is ideal for the starters. The seeds can be sown outdoors, indoors or in the containers. In case you have fertile soil extra feeding are rarely necessary. They can mature withing 25-50days (depending on the variety). They can add a peppery addition to our favorite salads. Want to know more about growing radish? Check out this article.
They are the sweetest, crunchiest and in best condition when taken out from your own garden. Carrots are easy to grow. They need only water,sunlight and careful weeding. Carrots are the tastiest when harvested small. If you leave them in the ground for too long it can result in overly large and woody carrots. Make sure to keep the soil moist. Dry soil can result in bitter and more fibrous carrots. Make sure that the soil is free from rocks and deep enough to handle root growth. Presence of rocks can result in crooked carrots which though are taste wise perfect but aesthetically not soothing. Want to know more about growing carrots. Check out this article.
Leafy green plants such as spinach can be grown very easily from seeds. Cool and moist weather are better for spinach. It is better to sow the seeds 4-5 weeks before the winter. In fertile soil, it can grow very rapidly. It takes one and a half month to mature. Once the the leaves are of reasonable size you can pick them to encourage new growth.
Spinach is high in iron and can be a wonderful addition to salads and soups. want to know more about growing spinach? check out this article.
Cucumber can be sown in containers, garden, hills almost anywhere. Warm weather, regular sunlight and watering is enough to yield high quality cucumber. You need to provide the plants with ample space to stretch their roots as the plants sprawl. Avoid planting cucumber at the time of frost.
It is a must addition to our salads. For details on how to grow cucumber click here
Almost any type of beans are easy to grow from seed. Plant directly into the soil or the container when the soil is warm. It requires plenty of water, ample sunlight and some cage to provide the support for the vines to grow.
Beans are the powerhouse in terms of nutritional value. They are high in iron, fiber, protein, manganese and phosphorous.
I hope you got some idea about what to plant as a beginner. There might be plenty of other such plants which you have experience as easy to grow and maintain. I will be really happy if you can share some more.