Peppers are full of vitamin A, C, Iron and potassium. Follow the article to know important points about growing pepper.
The Chillies are hot due to the presence of a chemical called capsaicin which is present mainly in the area of the wall and around the seeds. They are very popular among gardeners.
There are two types of peppers sweet Bell peppers and hot chilli peppers.This article is all about growing Hot chillies. If you are interested in growing Bell peppers check out our earlier article.
How to grow chillies?

The chillies are actually very easy to grow. You can grow them both in the
backyard or in the containers.
backyard or in the containers.
It is a warm seasoned crop like tomatoes. Ideal temperature ranges from 70 to 80 deg F during daytime and 60 to 70 deg F in nights.
You can grow chillies both from seeds and seedlings. For seed germination you required a minimum temperature of 68 deg F. It require at least 6 hours of sun light daily so choose the place it wisely.
Chillies require a lot of potassium in the soil. If your fertilizer or compost contain a large chunk of nitrogen and a very less amount of potassium, you might get a lush green foliage but fruit bearing will be a problem. So choose your composting ingredients (or fertilizers) wisely.
You need to provide a lot of water to your plant.It is true that chillies dont like to grow on swamps but they dislike dry soil even more. Use a proper potting mix if you are growing chillies in containers. For growing in backyard make sure you have proper drainage. You can also add a cover of mulch to preserve water.
It is for the betterment of the plant that you need to prune it a bit. Chilli plants have not so strong branches so it would be better to loosen some weight of the plant. You should also provide some sort of support for the plant. They are a self pollinating plant so you dont need to worry too much about the pollination of the flowers.
Pest problem:
Chillies are generally pest free; but in some cases you might encounter some like:
Chillies are generally pest free; but in some cases you might encounter some like:
Aphids: These are generally a threat to the plants when it starts growing new leaves. Aphids leave a sticky substances called honeydew on the plant. The best way to get rid of this problem is to remove them manually. In most of the cases you wont require any sprays or mixtures.
Nematodes: It is a very common phenomena and can cause the plant to wilt. Read more about nematodesbefore trying any step.
White-fly: This problem can be handled by using some organic sprays to the plant.
Fungal disease: In case the humidity level goes very high (in close environment like greenhouses) the plant grows fungal disease and cause the fruit to rot. Make sure the place has enough light and air supply to prevent this problem.
Peppers can be harvested by simply just plucking the fruit from the plant. Regular pickings ensures more fruits for the future. Select the green ones while they are still shiny and plump. You can also choose to pick them when they become red. If you have planned for flakes or powder leave them on the plant as it is till they dry.
Use a sealed bag to preserve chillies. It will last up to one and half week if you store them properly in a refrigerator.
Do you like chillies? How is your experience? Share it with us: